This is going to be a long post! These are some of the pages in my Favourite Things sketchbook. I experimented with quite a few things mainly textiles and illustration based, and am really pleased with the overall feel of the book. I love it when my sketchbooks look as if they're bulging open, and this one was very hard to keep shut.

These pages were a mixture of drawings on different paper surfaces, photocopies and padded fabirc shapes.

The padded shapes have a really nice texture when you feel them and make the page more interesting. I padded these ones with cotton wool which worked well but i doubt they would be any good if they got wet.

These are screen prints onto brown parcel paper and calico. I love calico. And brown paper.
I drew examples of my favourite things on each letter in different materials.

This little series of padded letters has inspired me to make brooches out of them, keep checking my blog to see the finished jewellery and maybe you'll be able to buy them too :)

This sketchbook has to be the one so far that i'm most proud of. I really feel i pushed myself for this project as i worked in A3, which is something i would have ran away from previously, because i've always worked small. But i definitely think i'll carry on getting bigger and hopefully better. Oh yeah! I got a distinction for this project too, which was my overall grade for the foundation. These past few days have been the best! I promise i'm not boasting i'm just so proud/ecstatic!