Thursday, 31 July 2008

V&A Village Fete

I havn't posted anything recently because my poor little cat Tommy died of a stroke :( so i havn't really felt happy enough to pay attention to this.
However, lovely little events like this one, which took place at the V&A last Friday and Saturday, have helped ease my pain. The stalls were fabulous and really inventive, resulting in me spending money on some neat stuff along with my boyfriend and his chums.
I just wish i had money to have visited and won stuff from every stall.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

My Face on Your Face

I'm so happy! Damien Weighill, the man behind Your Face, has done me a drawing and I love it! He was also very kind and sent me some badges he was giving away, so now i have his zine, badges and my very own drawing.
His blog and website are really, really nice so i suggest you have a look!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

My new image/logo thing?

So this is a little image i drew and designed for my new myspace page and etsy, and just basically everything gltsandwich-ish. It is slightly vulgar, but at the same time look at the little kitty cat with his pink shnozz!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Animal Badges

And to celebrate me making my first ever zine, i thought i'd go ahead and make some animal badges too. I'm calling these 'Baked' Animal Badges because of how they're made. I firstly scanned my drawings and printed them out onto some A4 special paper, which i then cut around and baked in the oven for 4 minutes. It's amazing! I printed the drawings out quite large and they shrunk down and became about 10 times thicker than the paper. I'd also like to sell some of these bad boys, so have a look at my etsy or contact me, either way i'd be very grateful.

Animal Zine - sold out

I've finally made my zine and here it is - one of 25! It's full of nice little drawings of animals and each zine is printed onto different coloured paper with an alternate animal on the front page. I'd like to share my little zine with a few lucky people, so i'm going to sell it for £3 with postage and packaging included. If you are interested in buying one please click the button below!

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Feline Fine Lines

These are some more sketches of animals i've made for my zine. I've already made one complete prototype zine and also a few plastic 'baked' badges which i will post some photos of tomorrow with some explanations about the baking part . I'm meant to be working at 6am tomorrow but have just decided i can't be bothered (it's over time at Tesco and they owe me 3 years of weekend lie ins) so instead i shall continue on the zine front!

Friday, 4 July 2008

Letter G

This is an illustration that a friend of my boyfriend's let me do. He's been asked to contribute to a prospectus (i think) for the University of Hertfordshire, and asked a few people to draw something in a letter. So i went for the G. I got my drawing blown up onto A2 in orange and blue, i like it!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Zine Ideas

I'm making a small little zine based on animal related sayings, such as 'the early bird catches the worm', 'an elephant never forgets' etc. and these are a few sketches i've russled up. It's not finished yet but once it is i'll post some of the final pages.