Our last brief before christmas was to make some artist books based on a number of titles. I decided to make a response to the title 'Look & Learn'. My idea was to hang books from a pair of glasses and inside the books would be things you can learn i.e. sign language, soooo you put the glasses on, look and learn. The books spell out look and then i made little discs with learn on them to hang underneath.
I made this last year and thought i'd lost it forever but found it on a little usb stick. It took ages and drawing all of those different angles of the camera made me want to kill myself.
These are the candles that i transferred my cathedrals on to. I used image maker which is why on some of the candles you can still see some of the white paper (i've washed these about 6 times already). Basically, the brief was to make your own scale based on the 'alpenglow scale', using 10 Italian words to describe each point of the scale, ranging from pale to magnificent, or something like that. So i based my scale on how long cathedrals took to build, with the magnificent being 600 years and the palest being 6 years. I choose the candles as i thought that when you burn them it would represent how long the cathedrals took to make, for example, the largest candle would take months whereas the smallest would take a day. Overall i think they're alright.
Cathedrals. Brick by effin brick. Just one of these, or even a half took me around 3-4 hours. I drew them all with a 0.1 fine liner and then transferred the images onto church candles, which i will post soon. The larger drawings have a very dodgy middle as i mirrored them in photoshop and obviously my drawing skills aren't the best.