These are the final etching images for The Book Thief. They havn't scanned in too well but i'm really pleased with how they turned out. And now i only have 3 more projects to finish...still loads though.
These are the final drawings made for the Book Thief which are currently being turned into etchings. I definitely prefer the first few i drew but i'm hoping they'll look better as a printed set when i add slightly more lines and detail to them. So that's sort of one project done - three to go!
Here are 2 more finished drawings to add to the other. I was meant to have finished these sooner but having glandular fever does set you back :( so now i have a remaining 4 roughs to get finished and to get ETCHED AND PRINTED - hopefully by the end of next week. Also the bottom drawing of Papa and Liesel looking out of the window at a Warner's ghost on the roof tops hasn't scanned in too well, but i'll replace that soon.
Here are a set of 8 badges i've made for my Christmas shop at Uni, which will go on sale from next Monday. I've got another set that i'd still like to make which are also animal related! The badges are made from shrinkle paper and have a brooch back. Hopefully they'll raise some cashish for our degree show next year. Boom.
This is drawing 1 of 7 (the rest i will upload tomorrow) which will all be turned into etchings by the end of next week hopefully. They're illustrations for the book 'The Book Thief', which is one of my favourite books. That is all.
Here is my contribution to the Kingsgate Gallery Exhibition. We went drawing up Edgware Road and i found this little row of houses just round the corner. I've used paper for the colour, a black 0.1 fine liner and a white gel pen. I hope it gets picked, although i might add colour to the third house cos something doesn't look right...
So the reason i have no money might have something to do with spending way too much money on shoes. The top ones are Jeffrey Campbell Lita's and they're honestly one of the comfiest pairs of shoes i have and the bottom ones are Topshop Wisteria's that i got in the sale for £36! Not bad.
My current project at uni is to make three book jackets and a slip case. Havn't finished them yet but will post the finals tomorrow. In the mean time, this is a drawing for one of the covers and it's my Dad's mouth.
CHRIST. Here is the pitiful group of drawings/collages i'm handing in tomorrow as my 'Summer Project'. The project title was 'How I Got Here', in which we had to create work that tells our third year tutor how we got to do the type of illustration we do. So i thought of making two books - a Nan book and a Grandad book, as my Nan has always been a seamstress and makes things - i like sewing and using fabric etc, and my Grandad collects things as do I etc.
Yet in true GLT style, i left this to the last minute and havn't finished the Nan book so i shall only be handing in Grandad. POO.
Here's a sneak peek of my Grandad Book. I've tried to set it out like a vinyl because my grandad is the biggest Elvis fan probably in the whole of the UK, if not Tottenham. The end pages, which you can just see a bit of, are made from this really old note paper i got from a charity shop ages ago - good find. More on it's way tomorrow.
Here is one of the books i've made for my Summer Project. Still have more to finish and upload (in a week) and i will explain what it's all about when i'm all done and dusted...
so - after a very long time without buying shoes for ages i'm starting to get out of hand and i don't even have my loan yet. the top ones are brand new from office and the bottom ones are from river. done.
these are a few fisheye photos from my holiday in lindos, rhodes. i didn't realise i had the orange film in till after i put in the new roll - bit annoyed cos the real colours would have looked better, but i don't mind these that much. REAL UNI WORK COMING SOON.