These are the final etching images for The Book Thief. They havn't scanned in too well but i'm really pleased with how they turned out. And now i only have 3 more projects to finish...still loads though.
These are the final drawings made for the Book Thief which are currently being turned into etchings. I definitely prefer the first few i drew but i'm hoping they'll look better as a printed set when i add slightly more lines and detail to them. So that's sort of one project done - three to go!
Here are 2 more finished drawings to add to the other. I was meant to have finished these sooner but having glandular fever does set you back :( so now i have a remaining 4 roughs to get finished and to get ETCHED AND PRINTED - hopefully by the end of next week. Also the bottom drawing of Papa and Liesel looking out of the window at a Warner's ghost on the roof tops hasn't scanned in too well, but i'll replace that soon.