This page i used as a 'drunk page' and wanted my friends, who baring in mind, are all art students to draw something on it and i got a scribbled out moo face, an american football and a salami breath man. I like the salami breath one though.

So here is my Barca Book. I used an old diary that i bought from a booty as a sketchbook because i thought it would be a nice little thing to use and i've been waiting for a good reason to use it. I tried to fill it with bits and bobs as well as drawings so it's a bit packed out, but i'm going to use it for whenever i have my next holiday so it'll be even thicker. I had a really good time but as you can see by the weird luggage tags on the last page, my effin case got left in Barcelona. I'm not gona lie, i cried like a baby. I had about a third of my proudest 'vintage' collected clothes and stuff in there but THANK CHRIST it's back by my side. The baggy baggage man was so pessimistic and made it sound like it was gone forever. It's seriously making me consider not ever taking a case on holiday, just a small hand luggage one or something, so it's always by my side, safe and sound. Anyway, i had the best time.
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