Friday, 25 September 2015

2/5 of C O N F E T T I CROWD - Lulutrixabelle

So here is no.2 out of the 5 sass pots that make up Confetti Crowd, the beaut that is Lucy Rance aka Lulutrixabelle.

Before I decide on which photo to recreate, I practically stalk through all of the girls Instagram's and blogs (not that I need an excuse, I do this anyways). This photo of Lucy really got my collage brain going as I love the neon colour in her hair and her luscious Lime Crime blue lips.

I think I'll make another collage of Lucy as I didn't realise but another talented illustrator has already made a replica of this pic, but just goes to show how inspiring she is!

3 more of the darlings to draw next...

Lucy's selfie taken from her Instagram

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